Nvidia to revise the GTX 560Ti: adds 64 more CUDA cores
Nvidia is to revise the GTX 560Ti with a different core chip. Installing a GF110 instead of a GF114 means that the GTX 560Ti will now ship with 448 CUDA cores as opposed to the current 384 cores. This is the same GF110 chip used on both the GTX 570 and GTX 580 Nvidia cards. The revised GTX 560Ti will have 448 CUDA cores, 56 TMUs, a 320-bit memory bus and likely 1280MB VRAM which will all be slightly cut down in order to slot the GXT 560Ti in below the GTX 570 however the enthusiast overclocker may attempt to flash the bios and overclock the revised GTX 560Ti to GTX 570 levels without too much trouble. This follows a similar convention that was used with the GTX 260 when NVIDIA upgraded it to the GTX 260 (216 Core).
Interestingly too the new GTX 560Ti revision comes with 2 SLI connectors allowing for 3 way SLI as opposed to previously only 2 way SLI was supported. The new card will of course be faster, but will also use a bit more power and is expected to compete with overclocked HD 6950 2GB cards. Now there are three GTX 560Ti models to choose from: GTX 560 Ti, GTX 560 Ti (OEM) and now, GTX 560 Ti (448 Core) so if you are hanging around for a GTX 560Ti make sure you do your homework on the model you are buying so you can get the best value for money.