Nvidia Will Bundle Metal Gear Solid V with GeForce Cards
Nvidia is stepping up their developer relations with another gaming deal! According to Newegg support, Konami is getting help with their latest Metal Gear Solid title, The Phantom Pain. While help from both AMD and Nvidia is normal, Nvidia’s past history with Konami points to Metal Gear Solid V being a The Ways Its Meant To Be Played release; at this point, there is no indication if the game will feature any Nvidia Gameworks features.
As expected given the state of Warner Bros’ Batman Arkham Knight being used as Nvidia’s GPU game bundle, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain will soon replace it as part of the bundle deal. Newegg accidentally slipped up and revealed this information as well as the fact that the game will be bundled very soon. The game will likely be bundled with the GTX 970, 980, 980Ti, Titan X and maybe even the 960.
Konami has been making news recently with their very public spat with Kojima, leading to the cancellation of Silent Hills, Momotaro Dentetsu and closure of Kojima Productions. Some blame the shift to mobile, though Konami has said they are still focused on consoles. The Phantom Pain PC will launch September 15th, two weeks after the console release.