NZXT H1 Case Review – A Super-Equipped Mini-ITX!
The NZXT H1 is a really simple and clean looking PC case, and I love that. It does borrow design elements from the rest of the NZXT range though. I have the H400 mATX myself, and you can see that same crisp edge and flush-mounted tempered glass design. The glass is heavily tinted, so it’ll hide quite a lot of the cable routing and fitting gore on the inside. However, it is still glass, so with lighting on the interior, things will shine through; perfect for all your RGB nuts out there.
The little details go a long way though, such as this lightly embossed NZXT logo on the glass.

Down the side, there’s just a massive wall of ventilation. Keep in mind, this is a very compact case, things are going to be close together. However, all this airflow will do a great job of getting the heat where it needs to be… out of the way!
Behind that filter is actually the graphics card, which mounts right up on the side thanks to a riser cable on the interior.

Down the other side, well, it’s pretty much the same story again. However, on this side of the case, you’ll find ventilation to deal with both the power supply airflow and the AIO cooler, which came pre-installed. It’s basically a dual-chamber design, everything gets its own clean air and space to exhaust, so performance should be great. The monochrome look is so slick though, it just looks ultra-clean.