NZXT H1 Case Review – A Super-Equipped Mini-ITX!
Complete System
Installing a system inside this thing just couldn’t have been easier. I mean, most of it was already in there! Just think, I did not have to install the power supply, just hook up a few cables, and that was done. I didn’t have to install the cooler, that’s already there. However, I’ll admit you may need to change the bracket, but that’ll hardly take all day. The riser cable needed plugging into the motherboard, but other than that, I just put my GPU in the other end of it. It’s at that point you realise, I’ve just built a PC in virtually no time.

It looks a little crowded, but honestly, working on it, it didn’t feel that way. Everything has more than enough room. Cable routing is fantastic, and the modular design means I can remove any cables I don’t want.

It’s not really a big case, but look at that, a whopping great big RTX card fit in there with room to spare. Plus, with those fans sitting right on the side panel ventilation, they’ll get all the breathing space they need.

Around the other side, not a lot to show you. Just the PSU here, and the other end of the riser cable attaching to the motherboard.

Oh yeah, just look at that sexy PSU bracket action.

Now it’s time to get it covered back up, and that’s as simple as dropping this U-shape section down over the top.

Slide it down like this.

And then simply pop the other two panels on to finish the look. Let’s not beat around the bush here, this thing looks freaking gorgeous. Simple looking, yes, but definitely gorgeous.