NZXT N5 Z690 Motherboard Review
Brandon Dodman / 3 years ago
Memory Performance
Unfortunately, we can only compare the scores on this board to the other DDR4 boards that we have, and amongst those, we see the performance that we would expect.
This is just about a pass for the N5. The score is close enough to the other DDR4 boards that I’ll allow it but we are dangerously close to a failure here because of the drop off from the N7 to the N5.
This time around I won’t be so kind to the N5. The DDR4 boards all perform about the same aside from the N5 which ends up having a big dip in performance compared to those other boards.
Seemingly ashamed of the previous scores, the N5 steps up its game and ends up performing the best of the DDR4 boards, giving a clear pass in performance for NZXT on this one.