NZXT N5 Z690 Motherboard Review
Brandon Dodman / 2 years ago
VRM Overview
The VRMs on the N5 featured are an 8+1 design, with eight of the phases being for the Vcore and the ninth being used for the iGPU. All of the phases are made by Vishay and are rated at 50 Amps each. There is also an additional phase used for VCCIN auxiliary, which is used for other parts of the CPU and is organised in a high and low side configuration using Sinopower MOSFETS which are driven by an Anpec single phase PWM controller.
The nine main phases are all controlled by a Richtek dual channel PWM controller which can cater for up to 10 phases in total.
The cooler for the VRMs is entirely passive with no heatpipes either. It’s essentially a chunk of metal with some thermal pads for the heat to transfer and be dissipated though with lower powered MOSFETs, it shouldn’t really need much more.