Ocarina of Time Speedrun Record Broken Again
I find it amazing sometimes that even after all of these years, people are still trying to fine tune their runs on so many classic games. Speedrunning isn’t everyone’s idea of a fun night in, but who am I to judge how people enjoy their favourite games, so long as we’re all having fun, I think it’s awesome. What blows my mind is the times that some people are able to achieve, such as the new world record for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
YouTuber and Twitch Streamer Torje, has just set the fastest any% record by blasting through the game using a series of in-game glitches and exploits, and defeating the final boss, Ganon, in just 17 minutes and 10 seconds. That beats my score by about 9 months, but I did get stuck in the god damn water temple for the whole of Summer on my first play through.
Ocarina of Time seems to just keep on giving in the speedrun world, and just when it looks like its nearly perfected, a new exploit or route is discovered and the time gets beaten. No doubt some people will now study this new run and try replicate and fine tune it further, and I wish them the best of luck.
Check out the full run below!
“Pretty good time, some really silly mistakes in the first half I’d like to iron out before I move on though. Thanks for watching!” – Torje