Old Dropcams to Stop Working – Owners to Get New Model Free
In a surprising example of customer generosity, owners of the original Dropcam and Dropcam Echo, the earlier models of the easy-to-use Wi-Fi security cameras, will receive brand new models for absolutely no charge after the company announced that the older models will stop working.
Yes, Dropcam, a company part of Nest which has been acquired by Google, will be completely ending support of its older cameras rendering them completely useless. Why? Because Dropcam says that the technology is incompatible with the new and improved online service it is going to provide.
So from April 15th, the old cameras will no longer work. So what do you do after that? Buy the new ones? No, they really are sending every owner of the old models a brand new camera for each camera they own, free of charge.
A pretty amazing way of keeping customers up-to-date.
Source: TechnoBuffalo