One Gamer Will Be Able To Play Borderlands 3 Before Anyone Else

Although You Wouldn’t Call Him “Lucky”
Gearbox will be releasing the much anticipated Borderlands 3 on September. However, one fan will be playing it ahead of everyone else with the blessing of Gearbox and publisher 2K Games themselves. He will be playing it in June, a full three months ahead of everyone else.
Despite this, I wouldn’t be quick to call him lucky. You see this gamer whose name is Trevor Eastman was diagnosed with stage 4 esophageal, stomach and liver cancer last month. Having one cancer diagnosis is bad enough, but three and at stage 4 to boot means probability of survival is grim. In fact, doctors say that he has a year left.
Eastman documented this on reddit back in April, but two days ago he has posted an updated stating that a 2K Games representative has reached out. Confirming that he will be able to play the game early. They are flying out somebody from the company in a few weeks to deliver the game. For his part, Eastman has sworn not to divulge any information which might spoil the game for others.
When is Borderlands 3 Coming Out?
For everyone else, Borderlands 3 will be playable on September 13th. It will be available on the Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. On the PC, it will be exclusively available via the EPIC Games Store for the first six months.
Good job Gearbox. Maybe you could put Trevor in the game itself distributing loot like you did with the fan who had cancer in BL2..Enjoy the game Trevor and may you have many joy filled days ahead.