Over 100,000 Sign Petition to Keep Jeff Bezos in Space

Later this month, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos is officially set to no longer be one of the richest people on planet Earth. Namely, because he’s going to be blasting off on one of his Blue Origin rockets for a short stay in outer space. Given the overall negative ethos that many have for his company, and likely also his ridiculously vast piles of cash, however, a petition was launched online looking to effectively revoke his passport to return back to Terraferma.
Well, if you were wondering how that was doing, following the latest update, it would seem that over 100,000 people have now officially signed up to express their desire for Jeff Bezos to not come back!

Do not allow Jeff Bezos to return to Earth – A Petition, Not Our Opinion
This isn’t the only petition to have been created since Jeff Bezos confirmed he was heading into space. In terms of politely requesting for him to not return, however, this is certainly the one that has gained the most traction. In terms of what they are looking to achieve, as per the petition website, their aim is pretty straightforward.
“Billionaires should not exist…on earth, or in space, but should they decide the latter, they should stay there.”

What Do We Think?
Set to blast off on July 20th, and still pending confirmation of who the fourth passenger will be, this launch will clearly garner a lot of attention not only based on the fact that this is one of the most significant and effective civilian passenger launches for a spacecraft to date, but also that its key passenger will not only be the owner, but also one of the richest people in the world.
While we clearly wish him a safe trip, if you want to add your name to the petition to keep Jeff Bezos in space, you can check out the website via the link here!
What do you think? – Let us know in the comments!