Palit GeForce GTX 660 Ti 2GB JetStream Graphics Card Review
Noise is generally the bain of most consumers lives and in the hope of finding the quietest operation, we feel it’s necessary to show you the audio level of components. We use the same components throughout this test and use a sound level meter to record the audio level of the system with a passive graphics card installed. Once we have the level recorded with the passive card, we continue to change the graphics card for the one that we are testing. Due to us having the audio level recorded before installation, it gives us a guide to work with and shows that anything over our initial level is an audio gain.
As this card features the JetStream branding, we were keen to see how it performed in terms of acoustics and found that it didn’t disappoint, falling in the lower half of our chart below the competitor 660 Ti from Gigabyte among other similar performing AMD and Nvidia based cards.
It’s really impressive. I thought the narrower memory bus would strangle it but it’s not to be. Makes you wonder why people would spend the extra scratch on a GTX 670
because when you get a GTX 670 you can also overclock that. Most reviews tend to go for the “if you overclock this card (the GTX 660Ti in this case) you can catch up with the next one in the series” (the GTX 670) but then if you had the next one in the series (the GTX 670) you could overclock that too and reach the next one in the series (GTX 680)..and the cycle continues…
I know. It’s a vicious cycle. I was sceptical of my GTX 660Ti because of the narrow bus but I decided on it just via reading reviews. I’m glad I did & saved the extra money I would’ve spent on a GTX 670.
Ryan has a point with the overclock thing. I was waiting for the EVGA GTX 670 FTW but since then I got a EVGA GTX 660 Ti (standard edition) and I’m glad I saved my self half the cost, there isn’t a single game I can’t max out on everything. I only run 1920×1080, but check another one of these into SLI and you’ve got a system to be proud of.
For goodness’s sake, please change the COLOR of the graph, and highlight the scores for the card you are reviewing against its closest competitors. It was PAINFUL to read those graphs. Seriously.
Otherwise a decent review.