Path And Pinterest Fight Over Logo Clash
Ryan Martin / 11 years ago
According to TechCrunch Path and Pinterest are waging war over logo similarities. Path, a mobile messaging startup company, is looking to prevent social media firm Pinterest from acquiring the trademark to the stylised P. The U.S Trademark Office allowed Pinterest’s trademark registration on the proposed design but Path has asked for an extension in order to file an opposite to the trademark which it believes could force it to have to change its logo. Other Eagle Eyed tech publications have pointed out that and the Philadelphia Phillies have striking similarities to Pinterest so if the new trademark is granted to Pinterest they could all face legal challenges.
The differences are striking and a lot is potentially at stake in legal terms over what would be called “consumer confusion” between the two similar logos. This is made more important due to the fact Path and Pinterest both offer similar services. At the current stage their is no way of telling which way the courts might go in terms of a judgement on the decision but both Path and Pinterest have strong arguments for their cases. Read the full details of the legal dispute right here.
Images courtesy of Path/Pinterest