PAYDAY: The Heist Free to Play Tomorrow
Everyone loves a free game, right? Well, for one day only, PAYDAY : The Heist will be free to play via Steam!
Over the last week or so Overkill has been running an event called “Crimefest”. This event was to pull as many people into their official steam group for PAYDAY as possible. Their goal was to hit 1.5 million members before the 18th of October. The developers hit their targets early so they have now decided give us a game, free to play, for one day. This will happen tomorrow (Thursday) morning at 10AM Pacific time (6PM for us GMT folk) and will be free for a whole 24 hours.
For those who haven’t played any of the 3-year-old PAYDAY franchise it really is worth having a go. You are part of a criminal gang with the main goal of trying to get as much loot as possible. you do this by doing different missions such as robbing a bank, stealing art or just doing a good old fashioned smash and grab at the local jewellers. There are many weapons and modifications to your equipment and 4 different classes of criminal so there is plenty of content to play within the 24 hours.
So don your masks, grab your favourite weapon and go and get some loot!
Image courtesy of Starbreeze Studios.
this is probably a dumb question but is it free to keep forever or just free to play for one day ?
Well I’ve been a part of the STEAM group and known about this for a few months and up until reading this particular report was under the impression that anyone in the group would get to keep it.
Since it’s the original The Heist game, it would only make sense if you can keep it. I don’t think they’re making any sales on it anyways, and it might “provoke” some buys of Payday 2
Yeah, it’ll be free to OWN, not to play. Would be weird as well, as they’ve done f2p weekends before…
From the Steam group:
“To celebrate that you reached the goal earlier than anticipated, we’re giving out PAYDAY: The Heist for free via Steam Thursday morning at 10AM Pacific and going forward for 24 hours.”