PC Classic Will Give Your TV Access To DOS Based Goodness!
Mike Sanders / 6 years ago
PC Classic Will Give Your TV Access To DOS Based Goodness!
Over the last 5 years, we have certainly seen something of a revival in retro gaming systems. Overlooking products such as the NES/SNES classic and upcoming PS1 Classic, we’ve had versions of pretty much every major early console released. Personally, I’m still waiting for the Atari ST Classic. What about PCs though?
Well, Unit-e is looking to introduce the PC Classic later this month. A mini console designed purely to run DOS.
What Is DOS?
Ok, so if you’re younger than 30, the chances are that you have never encountered DOS (disk operating system). Put simply it was one of the first basic (not to be confused with the actual BASIC) operating systems that allowed user interface via text commands.
It was rather crude, but it ran really well. For many in fact, even after the release of Windows 95 and 98, DOS will still widely popular due to it requiring very minimal system resources to run. Fewer resources used by the O/S means the game might run faster. Yes, these were primitive times!
With the project official planning to go live on Kickstarter, this is undoubtedly going to be a popular product for the old school PC user. Offering full USB and SD support, you could literally load up a memory stick with hundreds of thousands of DOS classics and enjoy those VGA graphics and 2-channel games in all their glory.
Early estimated suggest that the product will be available for $99 and you can check out the official website in the link here!
What do you think? Did you ever use MS-DOS? – Let us know in the comments!