PC Sales Dropped In 2013, Statistics Say
PC sales have soared last year, especially during the Christmas holidays, where Gartner reported it being the worst decline in sales since PCs and laptops became a necessity in people’s homes. The reason, as we all are probably aware of, is the appreciation of mobile devices, and Gartner states that during the holidays it marked the seventh consecutive quarter of decreasing PC sales.
PC sales went down 10 percent, while shipments of desktop and laptop computers had never slipped by more than four percent in any other previous year. The other annual declines occurred in 2001, in the midst of a technology bust driven by a collapse in the Internet sector, and in 2012, which marked the early stages of the migration to tablet computers
Around 316 million PCs were shipped last year, according to Gartner. That means PCs have backtracked to roughly the same level as in 2009 when the worldwide economy was struggling to get back in track after the Great Recession. Even more, Gartner predicts that PC sales are expected to drop this year even further than last year.
Thank you Fudzilla for providing us with this information
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CM Storm Trooper – http://www.cmstorm.com/en/products/chassis/trooper/
Thanks 😀