PCSpecialist Ionico Luna Pro Laptop Review
Things are kept pretty simple, with a durable brown box for the exterior, obviously, a bland design as this can simply be used for any number of different laptops, rather than just one model. Plus, it’s an easier type of packaging to recycle, which I like. The one thing that is missing, is a PCSpecialist logo, and a little personalisation would be nice, as this is clearly just a “we bought a generic box from somewhere” solution, but of course, that’s hardly a deal breaker.

On the interior, there are a couple of large compressible foam blocks, much better than polystyrene as it can absorb shocks more easily, and there’s a protective cloth bag over the laptop itself too.

The laptop has even further protection, with a clear plastic wrap covering both the front and rear of the screen.

It all looked very clean when opening it up, and despite being hand-built, there’s no grubby marks or fingerprints, no dust, or anything really, it looks superb.