Peter Molyneux Thinks it Would be a Mistake to Discuss His New Game
Peter Molyneux has a bit of a history of overhyping his games, something that’s got him in a fair bit of hot water with his fans in the past, and it seems he’s learnt from his past mistakes. While work on his latest game “Legacy” is well underway, he’s being coy with the details, going on to say that “I think it would be a mistake to talk about it.” Wise words, but he could say something, just not get carried away this time.
“The only thing I think is wise to tell you is that it’s very different. One of the things I am proud of is the number of different genres that I’ve attempted. At the moment, it’s hard to peg what genre Legacy falls into.” said Molyneux in an interview with Glixel. “More and more, I think it’s better to be platform agnostic at the start,” he says. “The first problem is to get the feel of it right. You do have to worry about the interface. You have to worry about the input method. At the moment, I’m focusing on the mouse, purely because it’s the easiest for me.”
So far, the game is running on PC, but with no commitment to a particular platform, we could see it moved or be a multi-format release. I’m a big fan of his games in the past, even some of the ones that didn’t favour well with other gamers, so I’m eager to see what he is working on. Not only that, I actually want to hear more about it too, so I’m hoping he can find a nice middle ground between vague and OMGHYPE some time in the near future.
Are you a fan of Molyneux? What’s your favourite game of his so far?