Pizza And A Big Screen Movie! Just What You Need Any Day Of The Week!
So it’s Friday night and you want to watch a movie, so you order in a pizza and decide on your film. Suddenly out of the blue your computer stops working, everything starts breaking and you’re left with a pizza that’s getting cold. When you open up your pizza you realise all is not lost, because you ordered from Pizza Hut (in Hong Kong) and have a brand new Projector Box.
From an age when people would meet up in town for pizza before going to the cinema Pizza Hut has slipped from many people’s weekly routines, but in Hong Kong their trying something new. The new box comes with a simple ready to pop-out hole in the front while the pizza table that holds your pizza in place for delivery slides in to become a lens. With a smart phone rested against it, your pizza box suddenly becomes a projector!
With pizza and a movie it couldn’t get much better, bar the punny (yes that’s a pun on funny) bad selection of free movies to go with one of the four box designs. Slice Night for the horror fans sounds like my favourite, while Anchovy’s Armaggedon sits atop the science fiction fan lists, with Hot & Ready spices up the romance fans leaving only the action packed Fully loaded film ready to be downloaded at a scan of a QR code.
A funny film, good food and friends. Sounds like a great night in (or out) for anybody!
Thank you The Verge for the information and image.