PlayStation 4 Now Dominates PC For Most Registered Battlefield 4 Players
Peter Donnell / 10 years ago
While the Battlefield series may still be considered a PC title, given that it was on the PC where the series started, the games audience has definitely started to shift over to consoles. Battlefield 4 is a big seller for EA and while it is popular on PC, problems with optimization of the game has left many unhappy with the title.
Now it looks like the PlayStation 4 is the place to be for the most active Battlefield 4 community, with P-Starts Network now reporting that the PlayStation 4 has more active players than PC. This is less a case of the PlayStation 4 getting huge numbers of new players and more about PC users making a mass exodus towards other titles due to the issues the game has suffered.
As you can see in the graph above, the PC started out well an has been in steady decline, even the Hardline Beta did little or nothing to help the problem. Battlefield 4 is due to be patched (again) in the coming month, but right now it doesn’t look good for EA and it will take a lot for them to try and claw back any significant gains in player numbers on PC and even harder for them to convince PC gamers they can make a stable future when their next release rolls around.
Thank you BF4Central for providing us with this information.
Image courtesy of BF4Central.