PlayStation 5

UK Retailer Launches ‘Lottery’ For New PS5 Stock!

Even though we are quickly approaching the four-month point since the Sony PlayStation 5 (PS5) was "released", getting hold of…

4 years ago

PC modder Creates Liquid-Cooled PS5 – Video

Since I've still not managed to get a PS5 in my hands yet, I can't personally attest to how noisy…

4 years ago

Sony Confirms Next-Gen PSVR Headset for PS5

Possibly against a lot of expectations, one of the biggest peripheral success stories ever seen under the Playstation branding was…

4 years ago

Gran Turismo 7 is Officially Delayed Until 2022

The Gran Turismo series has, since the release of the original PlayStation, represented one of the console's flagship gaming exclusives.…

4 years ago

Good News: Gold PS5 For Sale – Bad News: It Costs $499,000

Despite the fact that it's been over 3 months now since the PS5 was released, actually getting hold of one…

4 years ago

Law Firm Prepares to Take Sony to Court Over PS5 DualSense Drift

You may recall that last week we reported a growing number of customer complaints regarding the PS5's DualSense controller. Specifically,…

4 years ago

PS5 Controllers May Have Switch-Esque Drift Issue

The PS5 has proven to be amazingly popular since it released last November. Albeit, putting my broken record on again,…

4 years ago

Sony Says 4.5m ps5’s Sold – ALL at a Loss!

Ever since the launch of the PS5 back in November, it's not exactly surprising to see that the console has…

4 years ago

Stores Attempt to Fairly Sell PS5’s Results in Chaos!

So, just in case you've been blissfully living under a rock for the last 6 months (and quite frankly, I…

4 years ago

Game UK Denies Scalpers Just Claimed 2,000 PS5’s

Since their launch in November last year, even despite the fact that we're now over 2-months on from that, getting…

4 years ago

The PS5 is Practically Flopping in Japan As Sales Lag

If history has taught us anything about console releases (and technology in general), the Japanese are exceptionally loyal to their…

4 years ago

Thrustmaster eSwap Pro Controller Review

For many games, millions of them actually, the stock controller that comes with their computer is more than enough. They're…

4 years ago

Gangs Are Stealing PS5’s from Moving Lorries!

At the risk of repeating ourselves and citing the bloody obvious yet again, getting hold of a PS5 is really…

4 years ago

eBay Scammer Sends a Concrete Block Instead of a PS5

If you were not lucky enough to get your pre-order in place, then the realization is possibly dawning on you…

4 years ago

Husband Sells PS5 After Wife Finds It’s Not An Air Purifier

There have been more than a few instances in the past where I have attempted to justify my tech purchases…

4 years ago