Playstation Store now available on the Sony Xperia S
Laurence Howe / 13 years ago
The PlayStation Store has arrived on the new Sony Xperia S smartphone.
This is part of the PlayStation Certified initiative, to sell old PlayStation 1 games on Android phones.
From the Store, Xperia S owners can buy games. There are 16 games to choose from, including Twisted Metal, Destruction Derby and, crucially, The Little Mermaid 2.
The games, each £3.99:
- Twisted Metal
- Kula World
- MediEvil
- Rayman
- Jumping Flash!
- Destruction Derby
- WipEout
- Jet Rider
- Jet Rider 2
- Cool Boarders
- Cool Boarders 2
- Kurushi Final
- Everybody’s Golf 2
- The Little Mermaid 2
- Championship Bass and Driver
The PlaySation Store can be accessed by Xperia S owners in the UK, France, Italy, Germany, Spain and Australia.
Source: Eurogamer