Post UK Election Map Resembles Simpsons Character
Rikki Wright / 10 years ago
Last night was the night of the United Kingdom General Election; to those outside of UK politics, it is sort of like choosing a president in the USA. This election was to be the closest in recent history, but no one knew who was going to win, or maybe Matt Groening did.
With the unprecedented majority of Scotland voting for the Scottish National Party (SNP), whose party colour is Yellow, and Conservatives (Blue) taking the majority of the UK with Labour (Red) taking a few other places. Twitter user Alex McLaughlan noticed an uncanny resemblance to a cartoon baby.
That predicted UK map post-election. Or #thesimpsons? #GE2015
— Alex McLaughlan (@alexmclaughlan) May 7, 2015
This was the earliest appearance of the image, but other Twitter users noticed the resemblance too:
I don’t like Twitter. Ever since Twitter I’ve started seeing the UK political map as Maggie Simpson. — Dan (@Dan_Turner_93) May 7, 2015
Exit polls also failed to predict number of people making UK map/Maggie Simpson gags. #ge2015
— Steve (@untilnextyear) May 8, 2015
Now this isn’t the first time something has been ‘Predicted’ by the show; let’s take a look at some of the classics:
Homer discovers the mass of the Higgs Boson;
An odd resemblance to what FarmVille might look like on VR;
Well we all know what happened with the Ebola Virus;
Probably the most controversial one, the spying by the NSA (and other organisations).
Thank you to Mashable for providing us with this information.