Pre-Order PS4 Titles From Your PlayStation 3
The PlayStation 4 looks like it may be the first generation ever where you can purchase games for an unreleased system on its predecessor. Sony kickstarted digital PlayStation 4 pre-orders in North America overnight and you can fulfil the required transactions via your existing PlayStation 3. This should really be great news for PS4 future users, who are able to buy their titles before receiving the console.
Current options include Knack and Warframe – though the latter is a free-to-play game, so we’re not quite sure why that’s been made available so early. Regardless, with the console now less than a month away, it’s pretty exciting to see next generation releases adorning the home screen of the PlayStation Store. Let’s face it, who wouldn’t want to buy from an amazing UI like that? That eye-candy is hypnotizing.
Taking a look at a Tweet from the PlayStation account, it sounds like the platform holder will be rolling these pre-orders out on a weekly basis through until launch. So what are you waiting for? Start pre-ordering your favorite titles now!
Thank you PushSquare for providing us with this information.
Image courtesy of PushSquare.