Prism Studio’s Free Portal 2 Mod Set for First-Quarter 2015 Release
Prism Studios, creators of community-made Portal 2 modifications, has revealed a gameplay trailer for its forthcoming Portal Stories: Mel mod.
Prism also released a synopsis for the game:
“In the early years of Aperture: Science Innovators, Cave Johnson’s scientists rushed to get everything working to catch up with the growth of the company. Not everything worked as it should have. Mel unfortunately took part in a faulty test called the Aperture: Science Innovators Short-Term Relaxation Vault, falling asleep for years. Now, with a fake Cave Johnson telling her she needs to escape the facility and a new device called the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device, her mind races with questions. “Who is this imposter Cave Johnson?” “What happened to the facility and its staff?”
Portal Stories: Mel boasts the following features:
- 20+ Puzzle and exploration filled maps;
- Custom Story and Dialogue;
- Custom Textures, Models and Animations;
- 70s Prototype Portal Gun;
- Free to Play (You must own Portal 2);
- Logic based puzzles, not execution based puzzles.
The game is expected for release in the first quarter of 2015.
Source: DSO Gaming