PUBG Clarifies Statement Regarding Xbox One X Framerates
Console fans have been waiting with baited breath for the release of PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds on Xbox One X. They are also especially happy to read that the game will “definitely” run at 60FPS on the system according to creator Brian Greene in a recent interview with GamesTM magazine. However, Greene has since changed that statement.
PUBG: Needs More Optimization
Talking through the official PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds Twitter account, he states that PUBG will actually run at 30fps across all Xbox platforms. The news is sure to be a big disappointment for fans, especially considering how much better the Xbox One X hardware is supposed to be than the Xbox One. Greene via Twitter also says that Bluehole Studios is “constantly refining the game”. Adding that they are exploring options to increase the FPS.
Then again, PC players of PUBG know that the developers of the game are not exactly the best when it comes to optimizing. Despite its popularity, the most constant complaint from many players is how unoptimized it is. Which is why its been in Steam Early Access for so long.
The 60fps benchmark and 4K resolution are two features which Xbox One X promises. Greene even said in an earlier interview that he wants to use 4K assets on the game. However, that might take a while to bring to the console version. Especially now that they have not worked out how to optimize it for 60FPS performance yet with regular HD textures. Greene said they were getting 30 to 40 FPS last time he checked.
PUBG is launching for Xbox on December 12. It might take a while for PlayStation users to get it since Microsoft has exclusive rights on console for the game.