Qualcomm recently launched its Snapdragon X Elite PC processors, which can run Windows thanks to a collaboration with Microsoft, who has adapted its operating system for these ARM-based CPUs. However, sales of the Snapdragon X Elite-powered laptops appear to be underperforming. The company reported selling just 720,000 laptops with Snapdragon processors in Q3 2024, which accounts for less than 1% of total PC sales.
This figure represents only 0.8% of all PC sales in the third quarter of 2024. Although this is a modest share, it still indicates weak market penetration. However, despite these disappointing sales numbers, the Snapdragon X Elite Series saw impressive sequential growth, with a 180% increase compared to Q2 2024. Microsoft has been the primary adopter of Snapdragon X Elite processors, having recently updated its Surface lineup to include these new Qualcomm AI-powered chips.
When we look at the broader market for AI-powered PCs, the segment is showing significant growth. A total of 13.3 million AI-powered PCs were sold in Q3 2024, accounting for 20% of the total PC sales during this period. This category includes not only laptops but also desktop PCs featuring AI processors from companies like AMD and Intel.
Nevertheless, the overall market for AI-powered PCs is still in the early stages of growth. Data shows that 35% of vendors do not expect to sell Copilot+ PCs by 2025, and 34% believe that sales will not exceed 10% of the total PC market. To drive future sales, manufacturers are striving to introduce AI-driven innovations that differentiate their products, hoping to attract both consumers and vendors while showcasing the potential of this emerging technology.
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