Quantic Dream Exploring VR
Between the Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and PlayStation VR, virtual reality is starting to take root, to the point where Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls creator David Cage has revealed that his studio, Quantic Dream, is experimenting with the technology.
“We have all VR systems installed in the studio, and I encourage my teams to try them out,” Cage told GamesIndustry.biz. “We’ve downloaded every game on every system to try and understand where people are right now, what works, and what doesn’t work, and what we could bring to this medium.”
“The idea is not to do VR for the sake of doing VR,” he added. “It’s about saying something on this medium that hasn’t been said already.”
Cage appears somewhat inspired by VR technology, recounting a tale he describes as verging on spiritual, a tone certainly in keeping with his previous oeuvre of games.
“I had a very weird experience in a VR game,” he explained. “It was during a cutscene where the characters are moving around me and I was very close to one, really looking at it. But I wasn’t paying attention so when he moved forward, he went through my body. And I can’t tell you how weird that felt. It was almost mystical, like someone going through you. You feel it. Your brain is tricked.”
Quantic Dream’s latest game, Detroit: Become Human, is expected for release in 2017.