Raptr Reveals The Most PC Played Games, They Are…
Which PC games were the most popular in June 2014? Well it is impossible to say for all PC gamers in the world, but using the Raptr statistics as a barometer reveals some interesting results. At number one is League of Legends with a staggering 16.76% of all PC gamers, that’s more than twice the share of second place game title DOTA 2 which has 8.15%. World of Warcraft, Counter Strike Global Offensive and Diablo III make up the rest of the top 5. The biggest gainers are WildStar, Watch Dogs, Battlefield 3 and PayDay 2 while the biggest losers include The Elder Scrolls Online, ArmA III and Star Wars: The Old Republic who all dropped significantly.
These figures compare fairly similarly to Steam’s Statistics, although many of the games in Raptr’s list are not counted in Steam’s statistics so making the comparison is difficult. Steam’s top 5 includes Dota 2, Counter Strike Global Offensive, Team Fortress, Football Manager 2014 and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
Raptr is an online gaming platform with 22 million users in over 100 countries. Raptr recently signed a partnership with AMD to provide the backbone behind the “AMD Gaming Evolved” app.
Source: Raptr
Image courtesy of Raptr
And not one of them have I ever played or even intend to, they’re just not for me.
who even uses this raprtr shit??
Its forced down your throat with every AMD video card install. Its not needed but most people are too bothered to uninstall it.
Its a nice thing to have. You can get free games and even buy video cards with the points that you earn just by playing games.