Relive the 90’s With SimCopter and Streets of SimCity Mods

Remember back in the ’90s when SimCity was the king of sand-box city building? Sure, these days I’m more a Cities Skylines fan. However, back then, SimCity was in its prime. The series had a lot of spin-offs, some of which even ended becoming The Sims! However, one thing that sticks in my memory is SimCopter and Streets of SimCity.
Modder Aleksander Krimsky certainly remembers to good old days. The release of two mods called SimStreetsX and SimCopterX have now been released. Krimsky said the overall goal was to “preserve the original games”.
Honestly, these days the whole thing looks a bit crap. However, back in the ’90s, being able to fly and drive around your own city that you created was epic. Getting down to street level and seeing it from the perspective of your sims was magical. Now, for a bit of fun, you can dive back in and do the same again. Go on, you know you want to.
“SimStreetsX is a Streets of SimCity patching program. This video shows off a LAN game between me and another crazy Sim driver.” said Aleksander Krimsky.
Where to Download
Head on over to and to download the mod.
“Take your rage to the streets on Windows 10 by becoming a lunatic Sim driver. With the SimStreetsX patcher, you can patch your game to work natively on Windows 7+. You no longer need to use a virtual machine or CPU Killer, just a lead foot. The patcher comes with a variety of options so you can either take a relaxing drive or battle up to seven other players over a network.” –