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Resident Evil 8 Will Likely Stick With First-Person Style

Resident Evil 7

Resident Evil 7 was a game that divided the fan community. While some really enjoyed its new style and particularly the transition to a ‘first-person’ perspective, others felt that it drifted too far away from the game’s roots. It may be one of the reasons why, in terms of sales, the figures were somewhat disappointing for Capcom.

Me personally? I loved it! Well, right up until the last couple of hours where (keeping spoilers to a minimum) you traverse the b(l)oat! Everything up until that point, however, was gaming gold!

With Capcom recently returning to the ‘over the shoulder’ style for the Resident Evil 2 and 3 remakes, however, it was a matter of some speculation as to what they would do for the games next ‘new’ installment. Well, in a report via Eurogamer, it seems that (like it or not) Capcom plans to stick with the ‘first-person’ camera.

Resident Evil 8

The rumors suggesting this ‘first-person’ style have also hinted towards a number of other interesting features from the new game. For example, it is believed that it will act as something of a sequel to Resident Evil 7 with both Ethan and Chris Redfield being the main playable protagonists.

In addition to this, however, it’s also suggested that rather than the ‘spore’ creatures, we will see traditional zombies and even a return of dogs! In other words, a more traditional Resident Evil style of adversary.

What Do We Think?

Now, we should note that this is all entirely speculation. Capcom has a long history of neither confirming nor denying rumors and that’s certainly no exception here! It does, however, seem to make a lot of sense to me. Capcom clearly wants to (at the very least) experiment further with the first-person perspective and, in truth, as much as many of you may not have liked it, it worked remarkably well in RE7.

With absolutely nothing expected to be confirmed until later this year (at the earliest), however, it is none-the-less, an interesting piece of gossip!

What do you think? – Let us know in the comments!

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