Resident Evil Village DRM Stutter Confirmed by Capcom

Following the release of the cracked (pirated) version of Resident Evil Village earlier this week, it was found that the stuttering/frame drop issue reported by many users of the official PC version appeared to disappear entirely in this version. This did, of course, lead to the somewhat obvious conclusion that either the utilisation of Denuvo or Capcom’s own anti-piracy software within the game was the direct cause of this problem.
Well, as you can imagine, after extensive testing of this theory, it does seem now to have been pretty much categorically confirmed. And just in case you needed further proof of that, then following a report via Videocardz, it seems now that even Capcom has decided to admit that this is the case.

Capcom Confirms Resident Evil Village PC Stutter Issue
Now, it should be noted that Capcom has not categorically said that the anti-piracy within Resident Evil Village is the direct cause of the stuttering issue within the PC version of the game. Given that the gaming community has pretty much nailed this down as the direct cause though, the timing is more than a little curious that Capcom has just issued a statement saying that a patch is due for release in the near future that will look to resolve the problem.
“The team are working on a patch to address PC performance issues, it should be available soon – we’ll have more details shortly.”
What Do We Think?
Such news will, of course, fan the flames among those in the PC gaming community who vehemently oppose the inclusion of DRM anti-piracy protections within games. Namely, because they believe these to have a detrimental effect upon performance. With this specific instance in Resident Evil Village, however, we have something of a rare case here. Why? Well, thanks to the communities efforts, we now pretty much have incontrovertible proof that DRM is, without a doubt, the sole cause of the stutter issue in the PC version of Resident Evil Village.
One can, therefore, only presume that the upcoming patch will basically just chop Denuvo out. Simple enough, right? And by and large, I don’t think they’ll be anyone who misses it!
What do you think? – Let us know in the comments!