Restore The Fourth Plan New Protest For October 26th
If you live in the USA and are worried about your online privacy and data protection rights then chances are that you’ve already heard of the civil activist movement Restore the Fourth. The Restore the Fourth movement has already teamed up with the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), Demand Progress, Free Press, Fight for the Future and many other big name organisations. The group are now planning a brand new mass protest which is to take place on October 26th.
What’s so special about October 26th? Well that date marks the anniversary of the Patriot Act – the controversial piece of legislation that essentially legitimises the mass surveillance infrastructure that the NSA have been legally allowed to build. Details of the event can be seen right here. The event will take place in the Capital, Washington DC, and the group is looking to make a stand to the government and congress showing them that people aren’t happy with the government persistently abusing the fourth amendment.
If you live in the USA and value your privacy then this could be something worth attending.
Image courtesy of Restore the Fourth