RTX 5090 – Has A New Driver Improved Performance & The 1% Lows?

Starfield is a highly anticipated space exploration role-playing game developed by Bethesda Game Studios. It offers a vast and immersive galaxy to explore, with countless planets, star systems, and alien civilizations to discover. Players can create their own custom character and embark on a journey to uncover the secrets of the universe, completing missions, engaging in space combat, and making choices that shape their destiny.

As we look at Starfield we find a game that really benefited from this driver update, as every result ended up seeing an increase, even if only slightly. At 1080p the averages saw a healthy boost in performance of 6%, which for a free performance boost is pretty good. Obviously, it’s nothing extraordinary but it’s still something. What is much nicer, however, is the lows, where we see a boost of 20%, making the smoothness of the game feel a lot better.
1440p sees the averages level off a bit, with only 2 FPS more from the new driver, but the lows are, again, the star of the show here, with 27% more performance, narrowing the gap between the lows and the average significantly, and ideally, you want that gap as small as possible for the smoothest experience.
4K, once again, sees much smaller improvements, and with another 2 FPS increase in averages, there isn’t really much worth talking about but the lows are again the thing worth mentioning here, where we see a 9% bump, up from 95 to 104 FPS, meaning that we now cross the 100 FPS boundary.