Sabrent Rocket DDR5 32GB 4800MHz Memory Review
How Much Does It Cost?
For comparison, the Patriot Viper 6200MHz kit that we compared against, and have a full review on currently comes in at $378.99 on Newegg and $399 on Amazon. If you’re in the UK, the only place to buy it right now is on Newegg for £375.59, so quite expensive but that’s DDR5 for you. In terms of pricing on the Sabrent. We have no concrete pricing yet, but if we judge Sabrent on their storage products and how aggressively priced they were in the market, and seeing similar DDR5 4800MHz rated kits from Kingston, Corsair and Crucial, they are all coming in closer to the $200 mark or £240, so we’re able to see straight away, there’s a HUGE saving to be made over a 6200MHz kit, and for a kit that can hit the same speeds, and the same performance figures. Why would you buy anything different?
In terms of the general memory throughput, the read, write and copy speeds were ever so slightly under the Viper gaming kit, so performance was again, inline with where we expected it to be but what about gaming? Well, it was clear to see from our stock tests that in Shadow Of The Tomb Raider, frequency was EVERYTHING, and that was evident in our overclock too. Once we were up and running at 6200MHz, the FPS shot up from the stock 219, up to 229 frames per second. Ok, so it’s only a 4 and a half % uplift, but it’s free performance for memory that costs you less in the first place.
Should I Buy One?
I think it’s clear to see that Sabrent are onto a winner here and they seem to have done it so effortlessly too. I honestly think they know what they’re doing, and as I mentioned, I believe they are looking to disrupt the market in a big way, like we’ve already seen on NVME based storage products. It honestly wouldn’t surprise me, and as I was testing this kit, and more importantly, pushing the boundaries of it, I had a big grin on my face. Here’s a company that are not only looking to get a piece of the pie in terms of the market, but are going about it, all the right way. Fast memory, with huge potential, for potentially a great price. I guess we just have to wait to see what the street price is when they become available, but if past products are anything to go by, I think you’ll be happy about it. Let’s just wait and see!