Samsung to Cease DDR3 Memory Production By the End of 2023!

The days of DDR3 memory as a modern and relevant tech are, of course, mostly gone now. – Oh sure, there are still plenty of systems running on the RAM, and perfectly happily too I might add. In terms of a 2022 system designs, however, quite frankly, I’d be a little bit disturbed if you were looking towards DDR3 as your best current option.
Yes, for as excellent as it was, these days you really should be looking at either DDR4, or, in terms of brand new PC models based on Intel and very shortly AMD chipsets, DDR5. – With this in mind, therefore, it is, perhaps, not too surprising that report via TechSpot, Samsung has confirmed that by the end of 2023 it will finally end production of its DDR3 memory.

Samsung Finally Confirms the End of DDR3
The announcement isn’t, of course, overly surprising. Particularly so since it was confirmed back in 2020 that they massively scaled back production to, essentially, a metaphorical form of just keeping the lights turned on. – It has, however, been said that Samsung will stop accepting DDR3 RAM orders by the end of this year, and, by proxy, intend to fulfill, complete, and conclude all remaining shipset requests before the end of next year!
While this isn’t, of course, the end of DDR3 production, with Samsung withdrawing, this really only leaves Micron as the last ‘big’ player in the market (alongside around half a dozen others who tend to more specialise specifically in DRAM).
So, no, DDR3 isn’t quite dead, but with Samsung shortly set to get out of the game… Well, it’s taken one step closer to the technological graveyard!
What do you think? – Let us know in the comments!