Samsung’s Smart Windshield Should Be More Than A Concept
In this day and age, we are integrating technology into everything, but one thing that seems to just get smarter and smarter is traveling. From automated shuttles to car charging roads, it seems clear that people want smart technology in their cars. The problem being is that a lot of people are being ignored, such as those that ride bikes. This is where the Smart Windshield by Samsung hopes to help bikers catch up a little.
The Smart windshield is just a concept at this moment in time, but with the technology already there and a market prime for the picking we don’t see why interest in this product isn’t higher than it should be to turn it into a real product.
While other ideas for “smart” bike technology have resulted in heads-up displays (HUDs) being placed within the Helmet, Samsung is looking to put it on the bike. Using a small projector that displays a minimal view of what’s needed, the display is projected onto a small sheet of plastic at the front of the bike. The end result is a screen that can tell you the time, give you the next step in your directions or even alert you who’s phoning and texting you so you can pull over and take the message. With an app and wifi system used to communicate between your phone and the bike, it follows a setup that’s available in most GPS systems and even some cars directly.
Do you ride a bike? Would you use this and if so would you be willing to buy certain screens or are helmets betters places to these kinds of displays? Personally, if a phone pops up in front of my face every time someone called me, I might get distracted and freak out a little, so anything you can opt in to looking at seems like a good idea to me.