Sapphire Radeon HD 6670 1GB Graphics Card Review
Unigine Heaven 2.1
Heaven 2.1 is regarded to be one of the most intensive Benchmarking utilities about at the moment along with the likes of 3DMark. It makes use of highly comprehensive tessellation technology, advanced SSAO (screen-space ambient occlusion) and a highly defined light algorithm to produce ever changing light conditions amongst other items.
- Resolution 1920 x 1080
AA: 4x
AF: 16x
The card once again is shown in its expected position just below the HD 5750, and this is down to the 6670 being a slightly rebranded 5 series card with a difference. Obviously for comparison purposes, we have compared it using the most extreme settings. By slacking off the quality settings, we can see an increase in frames per second, but quality will be lost, so the decision is entirely up to you as to if you’d prefer having a higher resolution or higher quality.
That's not bad, good for a HTPC, but I don't think you should be expecting it to do eyefinity at that price…
Good review, sounds good for those on a budget who will have a lower res monitor screen. There are so many cards on the market these days is very hard to choose between them.
Agreed. So many cards to pick from these days… I was fortunate to win a Gigabyte HD 5830 video card from a contest this month: GIGABYTE – Graphics Card – ATI – PCI Express Solution – Radeon HD 5000 series – GV-R583UD-1GDI know it's a much older model and needs lots of juice to run but it's free and more than I could ask for… considering I'm not a hardcore gamer. I'm one step closer to completing more first ever build with this card 🙂
i know sapphire's blue PCB is their trademark thing, but i wish everybody would just switch to black PCB's. makes things look so much better!
I have one of these and everything this guy says is true , it is fantastic value for money.