Scythe releases Himuro 2.5″ hard drive cooler and noise reducer
Ryan Martin / 14 years ago
We have seen a lot of new products from Scythe recently and they are out with another new product. This time they are tackling a relatively obscure market: hard drive cooling. The new product is called a Scythe Himuro and it is designed to cool and muffle the noise of a single 2.5″ drive whether that be an SSD or a mechanical hard drive. The drives can be up to 13mm thick to fit inside this cooler design.
The product will weigh 280 gram and be made of black coloured aluminum. Inside the cooler will be thermal pads and thermal compound designed to keep the drive cool and quiet. The heat dissipation is done by the fin-like structure around the outside of the cooler. On the screw inputs special anti-vibration rubber screw mounts have been added to keep noise to an absolute minimum. Retail is expected to start this week at around £15-20.