Sea Of Thieves Forsaken Shores Releases Teaser Trailer
Sea Of Thieves Forsaken Shores Releases Teaser Trailer
When Sea of Thieves originally launched, while the game was impressive and fun, it quickly became apparent that it was lacking a lot in content. Since then, updates have been released which have really started to ‘flesh-out’ the game and as a whole make it feel like a much more worthwhile experience.
With the brand new ‘Forsaken Shored’ DLC set to release later this month, Rare has released a teaser trailer.
Accidentally Released?
The trailer, which can be watched in full below, does appear to have been released a little easier than planned. Reports suggest that the original trailer was pulled. Not though, of course, before some people took rips for their own channel. Since then, I guess they just thought ‘what the hell’ and put it back out there.
The game would seem to be introducing a lot of new content not only in terms of the game itself but also the customisable features. It seems, however, that most the internet is losing its mind over the crap. A crap which has appeared in every trailer, but has never appeared in the game.
When Is It Out?
Sea of Thieves Forsaken Shores will release on September 19th. Remember that all the planned 6 DLC (of which this will be the third… I think) will all be made available for free. As such, if you did try this game out and decided to give it a break (and based on the early content, I wouldn’t blame you) now might be a great time to hop-aboard!
What do you think? – Let us know in the comments!
God man, proof read. Stopped reading, how can I take you seriously?