Shadow of the Tomb Raider Leaked on a Subway in Montreal?
The leaky rumour mill is at it again, as it seems the next Tomb Raider game was leaked… on a subway. I know that sounds like absolute nonsense, but redditor Tripleh260 spotted a nearby passenger with a laptop, with an open document that had logos and information for Shadow of the Tomb Raider. He even managed to snap a sneaky picture (see above). Given that it happened in Montreal, and Kotaku sources say that Eidos Montreal is working on the game now that they’re pretty much done with Thief and Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, it doesn’t seem so far fetched.
While this isn’t the usual method for leaks, it’s not the first time it has happened. Assassin’s Creed Black Flag was discovered in the same way via a visible laptop screen on a flight. To add further fuel to the fire, the team at Kotaku have done some digging of their own, and their sources confirmed that this is indeed the current name for the next game.
“The page he was on talked about visuals,” Tripleh280 told Kotaku. “I’m from Montreal, QC. I was going downtown for work and I took a quick snap. I really would love to say more but other than the title, the rest was blurry from where I was.”
It’s not much to go on, but at least we know there’s another Tomb Raider game on the way!