Sharkoon has announced the launch of its latest gaming keyboard, the SKILLER SGK60. This is a three-block keyboard with multimedia keys for the convenient control of videos and music, and it also has a macro key for keeping the upper hand in any game. The SGK60 comes with Kailh BOX switches as standard, whereby the user is free to choose from three switch types for the keyboard. In addition, 14 especially durable PBT keycaps are included. Thanks to double-injection technology, these should offer long-lasting use, free of wear and tear. The edges of the keyboard are diamond cut for an overall elegant appearance.
Thanks to the high-quality mechanical switches from Kailh, the keyboard is particularly beneficial for professional gamers. The red switches are worthwhile for gamers thanks to their linear switch characteristics and the low operating force required. The brown switches are suitable for both work and gaming due to their tactile characteristic with inaudible feedback. Frequent writers can enjoy the white switches, which should give them the sensation of a typewriter when using the keyboard.
Creative Freedom via the Software
The software for the keyboard can be downloaded from the Sharkoon website. This can be used to produce the various illumination effects and colour combinations for the keyboard keys as well as for the Edge Light, the lighting located along the rear edge of the SGK60. There are fifteen effects available for the keys and ten available for the Edge Light. The colours of the illumination effects can be adjusted as desired. The software also has a macro manager to record macros with up to 390 macro actions in total. The settings of the individual actions allow themselves to be modified as required.
Made for Durability
The SGK60 is especially characterized by its stable, long-lasting Kailh-BOX switches: They all have an operating life cycle of at least 80 million keystrokes, while the design form protects the switch from dust and dirt. In addition, 14 especially durable PBT keycaps are included. Thanks to double-injection technology, these should offer long-lasting use without showing signs of wear.
The Sharkoon SKILLER SGK60 is now available at the manufacturer’s suggested price of €89,90. Albeit, the only potential fly in the ointment for some consumers, might be the apparent lack (at least at the time of writing) of models being available in a UK configuration (albeit, the US isn’t notably different if you know your keys). – If you do, however, want to learn more, you can check out the official product website via the link here!
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