Shenmue Fan Attempts To Make Shenmue HD
One talented Shenmue fan is clearly tired of waiting for Sega to make Shenmue III, in fact, I think it is now pretty safe to say that Shenmue III simple isn’t going to happen, it has been too long and less than favorable software sale of the first two aren’t exactly good motivation to complete the trilogy.
[youtube width=”800″ height=”450″][/youtube]Shenmue was an awesome game, but you’ve already started reading this article, so you likely already know this fact. Koreanfan NaconKid has recreated a couple of scenes from the game in HD, keeping with the original art style, but buffing textures and resolutions to look better than ever before. Everything from the leather jackets to the arcade machines have been tweaked to perfection and best of all the arcade machines have had new games added to them.
[youtube width=”800″ height=”450″][/youtube]This project is a long way from playable and Nacon admits that completing the rest would take a long time. However, as far a fan project goes I’m thoroughly impressed and this could be the spark some developers at Sega need to show them there is potential and interest in a HD re-release of the first two games, something that could pave the way for a third entry in the series.
Thank you Pushsquare for providing us with this information.
Images courtesy of Pushsquare.