Silverstone Prototype Watercooler Doesn’t Require Pump
Computex 2014: Water cooling is big business these days, but innovation has started to become a little thin, until now. This Silverstone prototype doesn’t need a pump to cycle the water through the radiator, I’m a little stumped on how it actually works, but we suspect it has something to do with a negative pressure inside the unit. Turn the system on and the water flow increases and bubbles away, when we turned their demo system off, you could slowly see the water flow reduce, which we were told allows the CPU extra cooling performance even after your system has been turned off.
It’s early days yet and there is no word of a release date, but we’ll be keeping a close eye on the development of this product over the next few months.
They bring it out every year…
i have seen people use this exact system like 10-15 years back, when pumps were not so good.
been done many times and its not new :/