Solid Snake Hints Metal Gear Solid PS5 Remake is Coming!
Mike Sanders / 4 years ago

Even though it is now well over 20-years-old, Metal Gear Solid (originally released on the PS1) remains one of many gamers most beloved titles. With the amount of time that has passed, however, and certainly the current trend for remakes and/or remasters, one of the most consistently asked questions on the subject is if Konami is actually ever going to actually, you know, remember that they make video games and do this. – Well, following a video posted by YouTube channel ‘Dan Allen Gaming‘, while certainly not 100% confirmation, the voice of Solid Snake himself ‘David Hayter’ has hinted (not for the first time) that something may be on the way!
Metal Gear Solid Remake?
Since late last year, there have been consistent rumours that a Metal Gear Solid remake was currently in the works with the intention for it to be a landmark PS5 exclusive. So far, however, other than a huge portion of the original cast ‘meeting up’ for reasons still unknown, very little (well… none actually) official news has been said on the subject. – In the video below, however, (circa 47 minutes in) David Hayter has said that this isn’t just an idle fan-led rumour anymore as he hears more than a few things from inside the industry to suggest that a Metal Gear Solid remake is definitely on the cards!
“I only had some confirmation that it might not be a rumor a couple days ago. And even that was like still a rumor. But now it’s an industry rumor, so that tends to be a little more accurate.” – David Hayter
What Do We Think?
One of the biggest obstacles in this is that the Metal Gear franchise is still owned by Konami. And as above, they currently show very little interest in actually making games any more. Well, except pachinko machines, but I daresay the vast majority of you don’t care a jot about them. – So, it does beg the question, will this remake ever happen? Well, it certainly makes a lot of commercial sense for both Konami and Sony. Such a remake is, after all, pretty much a license to print money. – Until something 100% confirmed comes from Konami (or Sony), however, for the moment we still suggest that you take this with a grain of salt!
What do you think? – Let us know in the comments!