Someone Found an Infinite Caps Glitch in Fallout 4
I’m not one to cheat in my games, I like the immersion and level of effort required to get somewhere and do certain things within the world. However, if you’re not like me and you want to struggle to carry your bottlecap filled pockets around the wasteland with you, here’s how you can get all the caps you could ever want.
- First, find a vendor who sells ammo. Any ammo will do.
- Pick an ammo type.
- Buy every single bullet of that ammo type.
- Sell exactly one ammo of the stash you just bought back.
- Sell another chunk of the ammo, but not all of it.
It should be noted that the glitch doesn’t seem to work with every vendor, and you can only take as much money as each vendor has at that time, but if you’re tired of only being able to afford cruddy hardware, it’s a quick workaround…. you cheating scumbag (joking).
It’s actually quite a simple glitch to say the least and one that I suspect that the team at Bethesda will patch in the not too distant future. Of course, with more pressing issues such as the FPS bug, I can’t see this one being a top priority.