Sonic The Hedgehog Wanted for Attempted Bank Robbery!

With Sega recently announcing that they were withdrawing from the world of arcade gaming, it did seem that the house of Sonic the Hedgehog had possibly fallen on some hard times. Just how bad are things at Sega though? Well, following a report via Kotaku, their mascot was recently spotted in DeLand, Florida attempting to rob a bank! Crazy I know, albeit mostly because, at least to me, this sounds way more like the modus operandi of Knuckles!
Sonic The Hedgehog Robs Bank (Sort Of)
Now yes, of course, I’ve taken a bit of artistic license with that headline. The truth is that a person (believed to be a man based upon witness reports of their voice) recently attempted to rob a bank in Florida wearing a Sonic the Hedgehog mask. Albeit, one so terrible that this has likely already appeared somewhere as a ‘Sanic’ meme.
Having (mostly unsuccessfully) attempted to smash the cashier’s desk and divider glass with a hammer several times in order to attempt to get some cash, however, it seems that while Sonic can easily destroy Dr. Robotnix’s creations, he apparently finds it a lot trickier to break more mundane objects and left empty handedly, and, fortunately, with no one hurt.
Well, except Sonic the Hedgehog’s reputation maybe…

Gotta Go Fast… Or Get Arrested!
At the time of writing, the person who attempted this theft has yet to be identified, and, by proxy, has also clearly failed to be apprehended (it is, after all, a bit easier for the police when they know who to look for). Given how amazingly awful this Sonic the Hedgehog mask looks, however, we suspect that unless it found its way very promptly into an incinerator or bin, it might be a useful clue in identifying this miscreant!
I mean, as a plot twist I could say this was an attempted framing by Dr. Robotnix, but the person in question here doesn’t quite have the right physique for that job. Unless it was Knuckles all along!
What do you think? – Let us know in the comments!