Sony Confirms PlayStation Neo And Says it Won’t be Shown During E3
John Williamson / 9 years ago
The PlayStation Neo is possibly one of the worst kept secrets in video game history, and despite official confirmation, has been widely accepted as being in production. This is an updated model which apparently offers better graphical capabilities and supports a 4K output. It’s important to note that this doesn’t mean you’ll be able to play games at this resolution and probably refers to playback of 4K video content or support for 4K Blu Rays. Arguably, the additional power is to provide a much better VR experience since the original edition is lacking in this department. Honestly, I think Sony was surprised by the rapid rise of VR and unique experiences which can be created. Whatever the reasoning, this is a pivotal moment in the history of console gaming because manufacturers tend to rely on a long lifecycle and offer a single specification to maintain simplicity. Perhaps, in today’s market, consumers are now more open to the upgrade model and prepared to see the console market move closer towards PCs.
In an interview with the Financial Times via NeoGaf user Thomper, Andrew House, president and global chief executive of Sony Interactive Entertainment confirmed the PlayStation Neo and said the “high-end PS4” would be more expensive than the current $350 version. He also added:
“It is intended to sit alongside and complement the standard PS4,” he said. “We will be selling both [versions] through the life cycle.”
“The new console, which is codenamed “Neo”, will target hardcore gamers, he said, as well as consumers with a 4K television set looking for more high-resolution content.”
Finally, Sony has confirmed the Neo exists and is being added to their product line-up. I do think using the term “hardcore gamers” is unwise because it’s fairly disparaging to those early adopters who invested a lot of money into the console on launch. On another note, the PlayStation 4 is doing remarkably well and this improved model could fracture the user base and make existing owners feel annoyed if the experience is significantly better. Andrew House also divulged that the Neo wouldn’t be shown during this year’s E3 and they’ve haven’t finalised a price or release date just yet. I believe this will be a revolutionary moment for the console industry and could either dawn in a new age of shorter development or cause massive problems for Sony and its fan base.