Sony Trademarks New PlayStation Logo
Sony has filed registration for a curious new PlayStation logo with the Japanese Patent and Trademark Office. It incorporates the familiar ‘PS’ motif within a circle, flanked by a set of headphones.
The trademark notice reads as follows:
[Serial Number 2014-93301]
Trademark: [Image]
Applicant: Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
Filing date: November 6, 2014
Classification: 9 (electronic applications, machinery and other parts thereof), 38 (telecommunications etc.), 41
Judging by the classification numbers, the logo is certainly gaming-related, rather than, say, some form of audio streaming service, since class 9 relate to games and class 41 denotes online games.
Sony has not released any information about the trademark.
Source: DualSHOCKERS
Project Morpheus?