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South Park Trolls Voice Enabled Devices in Season Premiere

South Park Trolls Voice Enabled Devices in Season Premiere

South Park is back for their 21st season and they even threw in some bonus trolling on the premiere episode. The episode entitled “White People Renovating Houses” had a B-storyline featuring voice enabled devices. Which tied into the job displacement crisis plot of the episode’s A-storyline. Throughout the episode, the South Park characters, specially Eric Cartman would issue commands to their Alexa device and many at home saw their device responding to the commands on screen.

Same Old South Park Shenanigans

South Park Trolls Voice Enabled Devices in Season Premiere

This is not the first appearance of the the Alexa voice activation prank of course. In fact Burger King has done this first. Although South Park is a lot more relentless and took it much further. Cartman even created a voice loop in the episode where Alexa would talk to a Google Home unit back and forth. In case you have not seen the latest episode yet, then it is advisable to mute Alexa temporarily. Unless you want ball bags and other genitals added to your shopping list.  You can also make it harder for rogue commands to be issued by just changing the activation word into something else other than the default.

Twitter Feedback on the Prank

Fans who were caught unaware of the prank verified that their devices were responding.




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