Speedy Zotac GTX 750 Ti Thunderbolt GPU Revealed
Thunderbolt, on a GPU!? Unfortunately not, the name is a little misleading for certain, but rather than worry about the Intel Thunderbolt interface, this name just demonstrates that the card pretty powerful, perhaps as some sneaky marketing on Zotac’s side of things.
The card features all the usual features for a new generation card, so you’ll find PCI-Express .0 16x, DVI, HDMI and DisplayPort connection. A GPU core that runs at 1229MHz and 1320MHz at boost speeds, with a 6GHz memory clock. Two 90mm fans cool the card via a large aluminium fin radiator and integrated heat pipes, all neatly dressed in a metal shroud that certainly gives the card some presence.
The card is expected to retail at 1199 Yuan and certainly looks to be one of the most competitive 750 Ti cards on the market, but here comes the bad news, the card isn’t expected to hit the US Market! Given that its price translates to roughly $190, this is a real shame, but maybe gamers from the US can get lucky on an import.
Thank you Toms Hardware for providing us with this information.
Image courtesy of Toms Hardware.
Unusual looking fans.